Media Credits
Box 1/Consortium: Map of LEAPS-INNOV partner institutions. (Credit: LEAPS-INNOV)
Box 2/Work Packages: Beamlines inside the FLASH I experiment hall “Albert Einstein”. (Credit: DESY/Heiner Müller-Elsner)
Box 3/LEAPS: Logo LEAPS initiative (Credit: LEAPS)
Full-width strip image: The ring-shaped synchrotron building of ESRF in Grenoble, France. (Credit: ESRF / Pierre Jayet)
Header image: Mike Klopf (left) and Stephan Winnerl (right) working at the new U37 undulator of FELBE. (Credit: HZDR / Oliver Killig)
Full-width strip image: ALBA Synchrotron, Barcelona. (Credit: ALBA-CELLS)
Image/Management Structure: The management and organisational structure of LEAPS-INNOV. (Credit: LEAPS-INNOV)
Work Packages
Header image: Beamlines inside the FLASH I experiment hall “Albert Einstein”. (Credit: DESY/Heiner Müller-Elsner)
Box 1 / WP 1: Meeting (Credit: Wix)
Box 2 / WP 2:
Box 3 / WP 3: (Credit: Diamond Light Source)
Box 4 / WP 4: AFM image of blazed test grating structures in silicon, produced by EBL. 4 mm pitch, 14 nm step height, and 0.35 nm RMS roughness. (Credit: V.A. Guzenko, C. David, PSI)
Box 5 / WP 5: Subway tunnel (Credit: Unsplash)
Box 6 / WP 6: Hexagon (Credit: Pixabay)
Box 7 / WP 7: Cyber / Network (Credit: Pixabay)
Box 8 / WP 8: Light bulb / Innovation (Credit: Pixabay)
Box 9 / WP 9: Collage (Credit: Pixabay)
Banner image: Earth (Credit: Pixabay)
Banner image: Network (Credit: Pixabay)
Banner image: Magazines (Credit: Pixabay)
Banner image: Female presenter (Credit: Wix)
Upcoming Events
Banner image: Convention (Credit: Wix)
Banner image: Startup development team (Credit: Wix)
Project Progress
Box and banner image Publications: Books (Credit: Pixabay)
Box and banner image Deliverables: Statistics (Credit: Wix)
Box and banner image Milestones: Stones (Credit: Wix)
Banner image: Office (Credit: Pixabay)