The LEAPS-INNOV consortium is comprised of 24 participants from 10 European countries (MS/AC). The 16 member organisations of LEAPS form the core of the consortium. They are world leading in providing high-level services to the science community by operating 21 accelerator-based light sources across Europe. Six additional beneficiaries, industry and research laboratories, contribute with their specific technological expertise to LEAPS-INNOV.
DESY is the coordinator of LEAPS-INNOV. DESY has a long-standing experience in collaborating in and coordinating large European and international science projects. DESY initiated LEAPS and provided its first chair.
LEAPS members
ALBA is the Spanish 3rd generation synchrotron light source and constitutes the largest scientific infrastructure in the country. The facility consists of the accelerator systems providing 3 GeV electron beam and several experimental beamlines, with photon energies currently ranging from infrared up to hard X-rays of tens of keV. Different synchrotron radiation techniques are available including diffraction, spectroscopy and imaging.
Stiftung Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, with its more than 2700 employees at its two locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen, is one of the world's leading research centres. Its research focuses on decoding the structure and function of matter, from the smallest particles of the universe to the building blocks of life. In this way, DESY contributes to solving the major questions and urgent challenges facing science, society and industry.
Diamond Light Source Ltd is the UK’s synchrotron. It works like a giant microscope, harnessing the power of electrons to produce bright light that scientists can use to study anything from fossils to jet engines to viruses and vaccines.
Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. is a multidisciplinary international research centre of excellence, specialized in generating high-quality synchrotron and free-electron laser light and applying it in materials and life sciences.
The ESRF – The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility – is the world’s most intense X-ray source and a centre of excellence for fundamental and innovation-driven research in condensed and living matter science. Located in Grenoble, France, the ESRF owes its success to the international cooperation of 22 partner nations, of which 13 are Members and 9 are Associates.
The European XFEL is a research facility of superlatives: It generates ultrashort X-ray flashes - 27 000 times per second and with a brilliance that is a billion times higher than that of the best conventional X-ray radiation sources.
The world’s largest X-ray laser is opening up completely new research opportunities for scientists and industrial users.
Radboud University Nijmegen was established in 1923. It is a broad, international, student-oriented research university. The FELIX Laboratory is within the Faculty of Science embedded in the Institute for Molecules and Materials and focuses on the development and exploitation of advanced infrared and THz sources. It comprises a number of groups with complementary expertise in the application of infrared and THz radiation e.g. (bio)molecular physics, solid-state physics and soft condensed matter.
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB) was founded in 2009 by the merger of the former Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH (HMI) and the Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung GmbH (BESSY).
HZB concentrates on energy materials research, methods and instruments for conducting research with soft X-ray radiation, as well as accelerator research and development.
The long-term goal of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is to conduct cutting-edge research in the areas of energy, health, and matter. Collaborating closely with universities and research institutes from all around the world HZDR addresses some of the pressing challenges faced by modern-day industrialized society.
The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter, that operates, at the Frascati National Laboratories (LNF), the DAFNE-Light and the SPARC_LAB facilities. The Frascati National Laboratories (LNF), founded in 1954, are the oldest and largest laboratories of INFN.
ISA, the Institute for Storage Ring Facilities at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University operates the ASTRID2 storage ring, with its full-energy booster ASTRID. The department also houses other research facilities and unique accelerators, including the heavy-ion electrostatic storage ring “ELISA”. ASTRID2, in operation since 2014, is a state-of-the-art 3rd generation light source operating in top-up mode at 580 MeV.
The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland, conducting cutting-edge research in three main fields: matter and materials, energy and environment and human health. PSI develops, builds and operates complex large research facilities. Every year, more than 2500 scientists from Switzerland and around the world come to PSI to use their unique facilities to carry out experiments that are not possible anywhere else.
MAX IV Laboratory (www.maxiv.lu.se) is a synchrotron radiation facility, first of its kind in terms of X-ray brightness. It is a Swedish national laboratory hosted by Lund University (ULUND). The facility, built on more than three decades of experience, was inaugurated in June 2016 and currently counts with two low emittance storage rings (1.5 GeV and 3 GeV), a 3 GeV linac and 14 beamlines, able to perform a number of techniques developing excellent science in a broad range of scientific fields. The user community includes both national and international users from academia and industry.
The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is the National Metrology Institute of Germany with scientific and technical service tasks. PTB measures with the highest accuracy and reliability – metrology as the core competence. PTB stands for progress and reliability in metrology for the benefit of society, trade and industry, and science. PTB has a worldwide leading position in the use of synchrotron radiation for metrology.
The SOLARIS synchrotron is the most modern and largest multidisciplinary research tool in Poland. Moreover, its outstanding capabilities place it firmly at the cutting edge of devices of this type in the world. It was created as a result of an unprecedented collaboration between the National Synchrotron Radiation Centre and the MAX IV Laboratory, a research facility hosted by Lund University in Sweden. Thus SOLARIS is a replica of one of the two synchrotrons in Lund.
SOLEIL is the French synchrotron facility, located on the Saclay Plateau near Paris, with 29 beamlines in operation. It is a multi-disciplinary instrument and a research laboratory, whose mission is to run research programs using synchrotron radiation, to develop state-of-the-art instrumentation on the beamlines, and to make those available to the scientific community.
ENEA is one of the Italian leading centres for research and development studies of Nuclear Fusion, Laser and Accelerator Physics. ENEA pioneered the Free Electron Laser (FEL) design since from the beginning and built its track record and expertise in FEL realization and applications, as well as in magnetic devices design and development, accelerator advanced technologies, coherent intense radiation sources, microwave cavities, laser optics.
KIT - The Research University in the Helmholtz Association – is one of
the largest institutions for research and education in Germany, and a
leading European university for engineering and the natural sciences. KIT creates and imparts knowledge for society and the environment. To this end, more than 9,000 employees cooperate in a broad range of disciplines. The Accelerator Technology Platform (ATP) at KIT uniquely combines accelerator-relevant infrastructures, technologies, and research, leveraging the broad expertise of KIT institutes as well as KIT's strong focus on innovation and the link to industry on many levels.
STFC is one of the UK’s seven publicly funded Research Councils, providing access to international facilities such as CERN and ESRF, and national facilities such as the Diamond Light Source, ISIS spallation source and Central Laser facility. They are used by scientists across a huge variety of science disciplines ranging from the physical and heritage sciences to medicine, biosciences, the environment, energy, and more. These facilities provide a massive productivity boost for UK science, as well as unique capabilities for UK industry.
Industry partners
The company NOB Nano Optics Berlin GmbH started in 2000 producing and marketing polarizing neutron optics. In 2016 NOB started the technology development for the production of precise lamellar x-ray gratings including variable line-space (WLS) gratings and 3-dimensional reflection Fresnel structures for spectroscopy and monochromators. Since 2020 NOB offers WLS gratings with extremely high line density variation (>10-fold) as well as Reflection Zone Plates (RZP) for high resolution spectrometers at synchrotron as well as laboratory sources. These unique optical elements produced by NOB found applications in different research laboratories in Germany and worldwide.

Raith is a world leading manufacturer of nanofabrication instrumentation. Backed by 50 years of experience and an international service and support structure, Raith supplies the best solutions for nanofabrication, electron beam lithography, FIB-SEM nanofabrication, nanoengineering, large area SEM imaging and IC reverse engineering applications. Be at the top of the game in your area of expertise, with the best Raith solution for realizing your application.
XRnanotech is the leading Swiss manufacturer of highest-quality X-ray optics from high-aspect-ratio Fresnel zone plates with record-breaking resolution to ultra-stable diamond optics and custom 3D-nanostructures for a wide range of X-ray applications. XRnanotech has shipped its products to accelerator-based light sources worldwide.