© HZDR/Oliver Killig
The LEAPS-INNOV pilot project
The European synchrotron radiation sources and free electron lasers serve a broad scientific community with more than 30000 users. They play a vital role in most research fields from basic science in physics, chemistry and biology to applied areas in health, engineering, environment, cultural heritage and high-impact industrial applications. Rising international competition requires the European facilities to coordinate and combine complementary strengths and capabilities. Established in 2017, the League of European Accelerator-Based Photon Sources (LEAPS), seeks to realise synergies across Europe’s light sources.
The increasing complexity of technology and a shorter life cycle require the photon sources to open up innovation to their partner facilities, users and industrial suppliers to promote creativity, novelty and resource efficiency. The LEAPS-INNOV pilot project will contribute to solving key technological challenges for the light sources, nearly 20 facilities in Europe, and in particular will support their newest generation - diffraction-limited storage rings and X-ray FELs. It will kick-start the implementation of the LEAPS Technology Roadmap and, at the same time, will enhance partnership with industry through open innovation by offering joint technological developments and advanced research capabilities for industry as collaborators, suppliers and users.

© ALBA Synchroton
Management Structure

The management and organisational structure of LEAPS-INNOV reflects the important interaction with the LEAPS consortium and the strong coordination with the other Advanced Communities of RIs (I.FAST and AIDAinnova) in the RI Open Innovation Coordination Group. Furthermore, collaboration actions with industry are essential.